Codes of Corporate Responsibility
Kainji is committed to respecting guidelines of corporate responsibility as suggested by the Government of Canada and recommended by the Canadian extractive industry sector* in addition to other world class standards such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (USA) and the the International Labour Organizations standards for workers rights . Our CSR codes are as follows; to:
1. Adopt responsible governance and management
To base the operation of exploration on sound management systems, professional excellence, the application of good practices, constructive interaction with stakeholders, and the principles of sustainable development.
2. Apply ethical business practices
To have management procedures in place that promote honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability.
3. Respect human rights
To promote the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights by incorporating them into policies and operational procedures for exploration.
4. Commit to project due diligence and risk assessment
To conduct an evaluation of risks, opportunities and challenges to exploration, and prepare strategies and operational plans to address them before going into the field.
5. Engage host communities and other affected and interested parties
To interact with communities, indigenous peoples, organizations, groups and individuals on the basis of respect, inclusion and meaningful participation.
6. Contribute to community development and social wellbeing
To have measures in place which support the social and economic advancement and capacity building of communities whose lives are affected by exploration, while respecting the communities’ own vision of development.
7. Protect the environment
To conduct exploration activities in ways that create minimal disturbance to the environment and people.
8. Safeguard the health and safety of workers and the local population
To be proactive in implementing good practices for health and safety performance in all exploration activities and seek continual improvement.
* e3 Principles; A Framework for Responsible Exploration, PDAC.